Customers may cancel their order at any time up to the time of despatch for items that are in stock without any charge. Those items ordered that are none stock or ordered by us specially for the customer will carry the terms of the supplying Company / Organisation and any charges incurred by CNCROTARY.COM will be charged to the customer's account and will be due for immediate payment. Any items manufactured specifically for the customer against agreed specification and terms, cannot be cancelled after the commencement of the order.
In all cases cancellations must be advised to CNCROTARY.COM in advance by email to at which time an authorisation number will be provided, no orders can be cancelled without this number. Charges where applicable will be advised at the time of the supply of an authorisation number.
Where goods have already been despatched, cancellation rights will continue to apply to off-premises and distance contracts only. The cancellation period will be 14 calendar days. Customers should return items within 14 days of cancellation.
CNCROTARY.COM will withhold refunds until goods are returned in ‘as supplied’ condition (any goods sent by return shipment must be insured for their full value). CNCROTARY.COM are at liberty to reduce the amount of any refund for goods returned which show evidence of use beyond reasonable handling.” For cancelled orders a 25% restocking charge will be levied unless otherwise agreed in advance. CNCROTARY.COM standard terms and conditions of sale applies to all sales without exception.
CNCROTARY.COM will refund within 14 days of cancellation of service contract or receipt of goods (or of evidence of the consumer returning them). Where the customer has purchased a contract, any ancillary contract (such as a warranty or credit agreement) is automatically cancelled.
All return carriage is to the account of the customer. CNCROTARY.COM would as a guide expect that the cost of return carriage of the goods should be no greater than the charge made by us to the customer at the time of purchase.
By making a purchase in our on-line shop the customer is explicitly acknowledging an obligation to pay. (For example, a button that says ‘pay now’). This is the case, even if taking payment is to be deferred (e.g. if preceded by a free trial period or extended payment or rental terms) and you are entering into a contract with CNCROTARY.COM.
In making the purchase and checking out, the customer acknowledges that CNCROTARY.COM have made the customer aware of the total price (including any delivery or other charges), and if applicable the minimum duration of any obligation and how to terminate, clear and prominent, prior to placing their order.
The customer must ensure at check out that they must not tick any additional boxes that may incur payments or options that they do not wish to sign up to. CNCROTARY.COM have ensured that all tick boxes are un-ticked at the point of check out and therefore the customer acknowledges responsibility for such actions.
Once the contract is concluded by checking out, a confirmation email will be sent to the clients registered email address within a reasonable time and not later than the delivery of the goods or commencement of services.
CNCROTARY.COM thank you for entrusting us with your business and we look forward to serving you.